Grand Opening Vosler Young Artists' Studio

On February 22, 2014 our Vosler Young Artists' Studio moved from a 300 Square Foot studio to a 900 Square Foot Studio.  We had our Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with our students, their families and many friends.  Now that we have been in our new space for a couple of months we are enjoying the new spacious studio and we have room to grow.

We added a small office and storage room which has helped us to feel very organized.  We will be adding more antique casts to our studio and be creating more tracks like, The Horse Track, which bridges our more advanced students from working in the direct light source to working in the North Light where we have five beautiful old North Light windows.

We now have room to add more experiences.  We are now working on bringing in a sculptor to sculpt a horse head for a day with our Teen Artists.  This will complete the "Horse" Track.


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